Record of Ragnarok (also known as Shuumatsu no Valkyrie) is an anime series based on the manga of the same name, written by Takumi Fukui and illustrated by Shinya Umemura and Ajichika. The anime, like the manga, revolves around a battle for humanity’s survival, where legendary figures from history and mythology are pitted against gods in a series of duels. The series is known for its high-octane action, intriguing matchups, and dramatic stakes.
Plot Overview:
The gods have decided that humanity is no longer worthy of existence, and they plan to end humanity’s existence once and for all. In a last-ditch effort to prevent this, the Valkyries propose a solution: a series of one-on-one battles between some of humanity’s greatest heroes and the gods themselves. These battles, called the Ragnarok, are fought to determine whether humanity will be wiped out or be allowed to continue existing.
Each side (gods vs. humans) selects champions to fight, and the battles take place in a special arena. The human fighters are chosen from various points in history and mythology, while the gods come from a range of different pantheons, including Greek, Norse, Hindu, and more. To make the human fighters competitive, Valkyries transform into powerful weapons that are wielded by the human champions.
Main Themes:
- Human vs. Divine: The core of the story is the tension between humans, often seen as inferior to the gods, and the gods themselves, who possess overwhelming power. The battles showcase how humans, through sheer will and determination, can take on and potentially defeat gods.
- Heroism and Sacrifice: Many of the human fighters have tragic backstories or are legendary figures known for their heroic deeds. Their motivations for fighting in Ragnarok are deeply tied to their desire to protect humanity, showing themes of selflessness and the importance of sacrifice.
- Battle of Legends: The show features epic one-on-one battles between gods and famous human figures, such as the Greek hero Hercules, the legendary Japanese swordsman Kojiro Sasaki, and others. These battles bring various mythological figures into conflict with human history’s finest.
Key Characters:
- Brünnhilde: A Valkyrie and the main strategist for humanity’s side. She is intelligent, resourceful, and deeply committed to ensuring humanity’s survival.
- Zeus: The powerful king of the Greek gods, Zeus is a major antagonist in the series, playing a central role in the gods’ decision to wipe out humanity.
- Thor: The Norse god of thunder, who fights for the gods in the tournament. Thor is immensely strong, wielding the hammer Mjölnir.
- Hercules: One of humanity’s champions, Hercules is a legendary hero known for his strength, courage, and twelve labors. He faces off against the gods in a dramatic battle.
- Kojiro Sasaki: A master swordsman from Japanese history, Sasaki is chosen to represent humanity in one of the earliest duels of the tournament.
- Loki: The trickster god from Norse mythology, Loki plays a strategic role in the gods’ plans, often using deception and mischief.
Anime Adaptation:
The anime adaptation of Record of Ragnarok was produced by Graphinica and premiered on Netflix in June 2021. The first season consists of 12 episodes and covers the first few battles of the Ragnarok tournament, featuring characters like Lu Bu (a legendary Chinese warrior), Adam (the biblical first human), and others.
The series received mixed reviews, with praise for its unique premise and exciting battles, but criticism for its animation quality, especially during action sequences. Despite this, Record of Ragnarok has gained a dedicated fanbase due to its engaging character matchups and the high stakes involved in the tournament.
Season 2 and Beyond:
The anime’s second season was confirmed to be in production, continuing the story from where season 1 left off. It is expected to focus on more legendary matchups and explore deeper into the characters’ backstories, particularly the human fighters. The series’ success on Netflix has led to high anticipation for the continuation of the battles between gods and humanity.
Record of Ragnarok offers fans an action-packed series full of intense duels, mythology, and larger-than-life characters, making it a compelling watch for those who enjoy fantasy, historical figures, and epic battles.